12 October, 2006

The Value of Friends (...are they worth more than you realize ?)

If asked, we would all probably agree that having friendships is very important and not only is important, but it’s usually fun. I mean, we have the opportunity to talk about the latest guy or girl we like, we get to go do things with our friends, they make us laugh and feel special and accepted.

But is that what being friends is all about? Chatting about relationships and laughing? Or does being a friend mean something else, too – does it carry special responsibilities? I think that when we say that we’re a friend to someone, then we need to do all we can to help make sure our friend is safe and happy. Being a friend, to me, means asking if our friend are okay and genuinely trying to help them through tough times.

Being a true friend, then, means putting their well-being above even the friendship because in the long run, it will benefit us only. Not only that but you will know that you cared enough about your friend to do something that was hard for you to do.

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